surviving apocalypse


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About us

Walking the walk and talking the talk for 43 years, we’ve been through hell and back. We’ve been there, done that and have all the shirts.


Experience is the best teacher, they say. 


Meet Experience.

Sharp Stuff for Survival

Best Knives for Camping Cold Steel SRK SK-5...

Surviving Apocalypse: Self-Isolation Is a ‘Thing’

A New Day Is Dawning Surviving Apocalypse has embraced the need to self-isolate and live in the...

Hurricane Survival – You Made It Through Harvey? How About ELEVEN Hurricanes in Two Years?

Hurricane Harvey has busted Houston, and environs, and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those...

The Survivalist Says — Musings About Staying Alive, Staying Alive… Surviving Apocalypse

So, here is where the rubber meets the road, right? Here at Surviving Apocalypse, we know what you...

We’re BACK! Bigger and Better Than EVER!

Surviving Apocalypse has been undergoing some major revisions, and we are finally back with a...

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